Hi Everybody ! How are you ? This post to announce that issue #3 and #4 are available for your reading pleasure for $5 each for the US and the rest of the world. And for 5 euros for the Euro zone !
In each issues, you'll enjoy 26 pages of pure autobiography !
Here are some pictures ...

And for the new readers of BT, Why not this special package? The first 4 issues for $15 or 15 euros ! Ideal for Christmas presents ! Or... end of the year presents ! Or... whatever the occasion presents ! You name it ! It's yours !

Sooo if you're interested, please use the paypal buttons on the right of the screen!

Plus, for every order, you'll receive the latest issue of How are you doing ? How about that ?

Finally, there will be in the near future an issue 5 - and maybe... 6. AND there will be more explanation on this "How are you doing" thing ! In the meantime, I hope to hear from you soon ! Thank you.